As a student at a driving school allied to Road Safety, you can finalize the Theory Test without leaving home.

Just ask your driving school for your login details and you'll have access to the distance learning platform, where you can take code lessons.

Here, you have categories A, A2, B, B1, C, C1, D and D1, with all the syllabuses, topics and sub-topics in your books, taught continuously for better learning.

The course has personalized support, with learning time set per page, images and the possibility of sending questions by e-mail to the instructor in charge of your learning process.

At the end of each Topic you have a compulsory Assessment Test, with the usual layout and criteria for each category, which allows you to move on to the next chapter.

Finally, you have the Examination Test in the usual structure, already demonstrated in the Road Safety Preparatory Code Tests.

Once this is done, you've completed the course and all you have to do is go to your school.


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The Driving School plays a major role in the whole distance learning process and will support its students in taking the Theory Test for categories A, A2, B, B1, C, C1, D and D1, safely at home.

Once the login details have been provided by Segurança Rodoviária, the school has access to the platform and all the necessary steps to enroll its students.

The distance learning platform allows you to send the candidates' training data to the computerized registration management software, register the student and manage their entire process throughout the course.

In order to register a student, you will need some information such as the creation of user data, so that the student can also log in later, the license number and their personal details. This tab also contains the most relevant dates for the process, the hours spent on the platform and the student's formative assessment.

Once registered, the driving school has access to all the syllabus content, so that students can be better supported if they have any questions by emailing the instructor in charge.


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